Monday, January 18, 2010

the peppermint tea rap --or-- why i no longer pity myself

I am not sure if I ever mentioned my dislike for peppermint or the story of accidentally buying a whole box of peppermint tea in any of my previous posts. I could go back and look, but that would take about 30 seconds, and would therefore would be far too time-consuming. So instead I will take the next minute to retype (or not) said story. Far less tedious for you to reread something than for me to actually take the time to look for something. This wouldn't be a problem if I tagged my topics. Oh blogging.

The long and short (okay, mostly long) of it is that I wanted to buy some tea without caffeine in it, and I thought I picked up a box of chamomile tea, but in reality it was peppermint. So, being the stubborn mule I am, instead of giving away the 50 (50!) bags of hated, despised, disgusting peppermint, I decided to drink it as punishment to myself. Oh the horror of drinking peppermint tea, and how I hated my miserable existence more and more with every sip.

Time passed...

Today I made yet another cup of peppermint tea, and realized that it has become palatable. What a shame, I was really getting into the pity(tea)parties I was throwing for myself. Now I am faced with the choice of pitying myself for coming to tolerate (if not crave) peppermint tea or just leaving the pity out of the party. Oh cruel fates. Anyway, I think that somebody more talented than me should make this into a rap. It would be an instant classic on MTV, and the soon-to-be-famous rapper would also be a soon-to-be-MTV-cribs star. Think about it. Do it.

In other news, I have applied officially to teach a second year at the same schools. I will find out for sure if I am accepted in April. So that's exciting.
Figure 1:

Also, I don't know if you have heard the rumors that I met a girl in Vienna. This has been floating around on the interwebs for some time now, and I am here to say that this is in no way true, as you will be able to observe for yourself in figure 1. The girl next to me is not named Lina and is not in any way acquainted with me. Just kidding. But I thought I would show yall who I am going to see in Vienna so often.


Jeanne Wheeler-Loveland said...

She is a pretty girl. when you come to Oklahoma I also have peppermint tea. It is refreshing to see you are past the pi(tea) party stage. Have a great day. Jeanne and John

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